Monday, March 19, 2007

Date with Destiny 2007

I am so pleased to have the opportunity to once again, share the impact of this transformational program with my clients. I have been involved in promoting Anthony Robbins' programs since 2002. My first Date with Destiny as a participant was in April of 2003 and I have since been back every year as a staff member, supporter and participant. Every year my learning is enhanced with new revelations and insights as I continue on my personal journey with my destiny.

I promote many different types of events and this one is truly exceptional for those who are seeking strategies and a transformation in their understanding of life purpose, relationships and their personal road-map to success.

How can I describe Date with Destiny? It is so difficult to summarize into words that will do the program justice. I would only begin to say that it is a rock concert, the most revealing mirror you can ever sit across from, a real look at the relationships in your life, an opportunity to re-ignite the most important relationship in your life and a clear path as to what your life purpose is.

It is such an emotionally charged, energizing and riveting 6 days of self awareness, personal conviction and relationship breakthroughs. You can experience a little bit of this by watching this video montage: click here to view a video clip of Date with Destiny 2006.

Here is a quick summary of what happens at Date with Destiny:

DAY 1: Prepare for Massive Change

Understand the forces that control everything you think, every emotion you experience, and every action you take. You can expect to learn about:

  • Your Model of the World: The Driving Forces in Your Life
  • The Triad: Three Forces That Shape All Human Emotions and Behaviours
  • The Science of The Six Human Needs
  • The Power of Choice

DAY 2: Evaluate Your Current Approach

Discover once and for all what shapes your decisions and your destiny. Identify what creates pain and pleasure in your life, and learn to create more pleasure. Develop the emotional muscle that will feed and strengthen your ability to meet your deepest needs.

You can master:

  • The Power of Virtues
  • Evaluations: How We Make Sense of the World
  • Your Destiny: The Study of Consequences
  • Primary Questions: The Principal Pattern That Shapes Your Life

DAY 3: Navigate Toward New Horizons

Become acutely aware of old conditioning and emotions that are causing you to veer “off track,” and learn how to instantly vanquish them and replace them with new, empowering emotional states. Learn what motivates you and what holds you back (you might be surprised)!

You can discover:

  • Your Present Values and Rules
  • The Power of Language• Global Metaphors We Live By
  • Goal Setting: Creating a Compelling Future

DAY 4: Embrace Your Transformation

Discover exactly what you need to achieve your highest values—then develop a step-by-step process for aligning your beliefs, values, and experiences in a way that pulls you in the direction of your ultimate vision.

You will:

  • Create Your New Empowering Values and Rules
  • Develop Your Mission Statement

DAY 5: Embody Your Destiny

Imagine living every day with unbelievable clarity—when everything you think, say, believe, feel, want, and do is directed toward one powerful end. Imagine feeling that you are the master of your experience, totally in control of your life, each moment.

You will when you learn how to:

  • Make Changes That Last
  • Integrate Your Emotional Transformation at the Deepest Level

DAY 6: Revolutionise Your Relationships

Learn about the force that controls all relationships, how to bond at a deeper level than ever before, and how to either find and create a passionate relationship or reignite the passion in a relationship you already have.

You will discover:

  • The Keys to Outstanding Relationships
  • Differences in Masculine and Feminine Energy
  • Your Ideal Mate and Relationship Vision
  • What Makes a Relationship Work vs. Pure Passion

If you would like to find out a little bit more about Date with Destiny, please drop me a line at: and I will be more than happy to send you some additional information.

Please visit this link to access a coaching session for DWD:

This is a video montage of last year's program. It is a great clip.

Top 11 All Time Favorite Books

  • A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
  • The Power of Now - Eckart Tolle
  • Good to Great - Jim Collins
  • The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver
  • Many Lives, Many Masters - Dr Brian Weiss
  • Seeds of Greatness - Denis Waitley
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
  • Trinity - Leon Uris
  • Fountainhead - Ann Rand
  • Built to Last - Jim Collins & Jerry Porras
  • Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsh