Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Quadruple Your Business Inquiries and Close More Deals

For the last 6 to 8 weeks, I’ve been asked to speak with numerous business groups on strategic marketing and how to increase profits and business growth. I’ve received many inquiries from business owners and sales & marketing professionals seeking answers and advice on how to generate more sales leads, close more deals and get more referrals. As a result, I have designed a one-day workshop that provides solutions to all these focus areas.

To provide you with some value and insights as to how easy it is to increase your business inquiries and close more deals, we will be offering a mini workshop this Thursday specifically on these two topics. As my business partner, Paul Dwyer, happens to be in town this week, he will share some of his secrets on how he used to sell four times as much in his industry and he will reveal all these strategies in a practical, simple and logical manner that you can use the very next day.

Most people spend a lot of time prospecting and proposing for business and not enough time closing the deals and providing the service or delivering the product to their clients. I will share some simple techniques that I have used over the years in closing deals and sealing relationships which will generate more referrals in the long run.

Quadruple Your Business Inquiries:
§ Gain Trust of Target Clients
§ Communicate Effectively For More Sales Leads
§ Reinforce Business Relationships

Close More Deals:
§ Qualify and Work With Clients That Pay You
§ Fire Clients and Prospects Who Waste Your Time
§ Present Your Value Proposition

We promise that you will walk away with some specific action steps that you will be able to take immediately and that your number of leads will increase in the coming weeks by implementing a number of simple marketing strategies. Results are guaranteed! Due to the personal coaching and specific strategies for the participants, we have limited spots and will only be able to accommodate 20 business owners. Please RSVP as soon as possible to secure your spot.

Increase Your Profit With No Marketing Budget Workshop

Date: Thursday, October 18, 2007
Time: 6:30pm to 9:00pm
Venue: Le Manege Club, 1/F Canton House, 54-56 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong
Cost: HK$200 per person (includes one standard drink)
To Register: Please provide name, contact number, email address and a brief description of your business to If you wish to bring a friend along, please have him/her provide details of business in order to attend

BONUS: We will provide answers to your biggest problems. Please have a think about what the biggest concern, issue or problem is with your business and submit it to us before the workshop.

Look forward to seeing you there!

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  • A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
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  • Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsh