Tuesday, July 31, 2007

August 16 Business Accelerator Workshop

We are very excited about Jay Abraham's return to Asia this September. Having studied Jay's materials and have directly been involved in organizing 4 large scale events from 2005-2007 in Singapore, Malaysia & Indonesia, we have a lot of information and content to share with the Hong Kong audience.

Jay's strategies are real time, real world, effective and do not cost a lot of money to implement. They can multiply one's business by up to 500%. He is not interested in 10% or 20% breakthroughs. Everyone has the potential for geometric growth and he gives you idea after idea after idea until you get it.

I'll be running a final workshop on August 16th to share what Jay has taught me and it is for business owners, sales & marketing professionals, entrepreneurs or anyone interested in increasing their bottom line and business results.

The workshop is interactive, engaging and guaranteed, you will walk away with a lot of value. Here's what some participants had to say about our recent workshop:

"Cecilia is incredibly generous in sharing practical business development tips and resources, and she's an engaging, entertaining speaker. So you'll leave with some great ideas that you can apply in your business right away, whether or not you go to the Jay Abraham seminar. I like that Cecilia's introductory workshop isn't a hard sell, unlike some others that I've been to." - Kay Ross, Kay Ross Marketing

"Thanks for this great workshop. I enjoyed it a lot. It was my first time attending this kind of meeting and I didn't really know who Jay Abraham was. But after one hour and a half, I really felt that I had learnt a few of his marketing strategies. They are indeed very simple to implement and won't cost a thing. The only thing that needs a change is your mindset. I came out of this workshop like rejuvenated and full of strength and confidence. Thank you again Cecilia!" - Caroline Fieux, Account Manager, Abacare Hong Kong

"This was 2 hours of great learning of how to increase one's business without a corresponding increase in the marketing budget. We looked at some real cases where some of these strategies could be put into place. It puts a different perspective on marketing." - Mary-Anne Chan, Manager, Client Services, Ernest Maude

"This workshop opened up whole new insights for me in terms of growing my business. It not only touches upon how to treat concepts like risk reversal more effectively and in a broader light. It also starts the process of thinking beyond your current day-to-day business in powerful and exciting (yet very simple) ways." - Martike de Grip, Managing Director, Transcedge Ltd.

Details are below and do sign up early if you wish to attend as this workshop fills up very quickly!


You will learn at least US$10,000 worth of Jay's most closely-guarded and proprietary marketing secrets, business growth strategies, sales boosting techniques, profit bolstering/cash flow generating methods for no cost whatsoever.

You will also receive 2 of Jay's ebooks "Jay Abraham 101" & "Windfall Paradox Report" as a bonus!

Date: Thursday, August 16, 2007
Time: 6:30pm to 8:30pm
Networking: 6:00pm to 6:30pm
Venue: Le Manege Club, 1/F Canton House, 54-56 Queen's Road Central, Hong Kong
Cost: Free for registered guests
To Register: Please send name, contact number and email address to:
jayabrahamAug16@biz-results.net or call +852 3102 8032


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Top 11 All Time Favorite Books

  • A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
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  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
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  • Built to Last - Jim Collins & Jerry Porras
  • Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsh