Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Judith DeLozier in Hong Kong!

Lead with Passion - March 3-4, 2007

I am so excited that Judith will be back in Hong Kong next month. Last year, I, along with a group of NLP fans, attended her "3rd Generation NLP" program and it was truly transformational. I learn from so many great teachers and Judith totally takes the lead as one of the most prolific, congruent and spell-binding masters as she generously shared and demonstrated many powerful tools over two days.

The NLP tools I learned were not only cutting edge (and completely new to those in this field) but the best part is I learned many of them at the unconscious level. I found that since May, I have used many of these incredibly powerful and practical tools during a coaching session or when consulting with a client. They would just “show up” and granted, the processes would be tailored or modified to suit that particular situation but the fact that I gained the knowledge and skills at the “unconcious competence” level at such a rapid rate is what’s most impressive.

Her upcoming "Lead with Passion" event is not to be missed. Judith is one of the original co-developers of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) and has made fundamental contributions to the development of many core NLP models and processes in the last 30 years.

From what I understand, she will be taking the concepts from 3rd Generation NLP and tailor specifically to how to apply them within a leadership model. A very powerful tool - "sponsorship" is what I've been practicing since last year and it changes lives. It is so incredibly useful, effective and amalgamates our self awareness, relationships and transformation. The promoter has done a fantastic job of presenting all this information online. Click here to read about 3rd Generation NLP.

There's also a video clip of Judy and you will see me in the corner being a very attentive student :-). Watch the clip here.

If you would like more info, please drop me a line and I am more than happy to share my notes from last year. You should definitely get yourself to this event if you are in Hong Kong!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

David Cavanagh's Internet Marketing Seminar

The Top 3 Things I Learned From David:

1. Use a blog to promote your business

2. Creating an online product is easy once you know what the tools and resources are

3. How to drive traffic to your website
There was so much info - I am still going through all my notes.
Thank you David for such an amazing and useful weekend!

Seminars & Workshops Update Feb 2007

Do We Really Learn From Attending Seminars?

I have been a promoter for many years, promoting various gurus, seminars and workshops in Hong Kong and Asia. What has been a bonus for me is that I have had access to all this content from a very privileged vantage point. Although I am now out of the business, I am still an avid learner and very committed to continuing my personal and career growth. I truly believe that by attending a seminar, you can achieve accelerated growth. The question is whether you will take action upon what you have learned.

Here is a summary of the seminars I have attended in 2006/2007:

March 2006 - World Internet Summit in Sydney
April 2006 - Anthony Robbins' Date with Destiny in Gold Coast
May 2006 - 3rd Generation NLP with Judith Delozier in Hong Kong
May 2006 - National Achievers Congress in Singapore
June 2006 - BNI (Business Network Int'l) Conference in Kuala Lumpur
July 2006 - Dolf de Roos' Real Estate Riches in Singapore
August 2006 - Jay Abraham's Strategic Business Building Weekend in Kuala Lumpur
September 2006 - John deMartini's Breakthrough Experience in Brisbane
November 2006 - World Internet Summit in Singapore
January 2007 - Jay Abraham's Private Strategic Partnership in Bali
February 2007 - David Cavanagh's Internet Marketing Seminar in Pattaya

What have I learned and where am I now after attending all these events? Well, I am now on my way to launching my online and consulting business. These amazing teachers have given me the blueprint and success formula to move forward. All I need to do is to take action. I think that is the number one set-back to the time investment in such programs. We can get very complacent and while inspired and motivated during the event, upon returning home and back to the old routine, we get stuck and feel that it was just an expensive temporary "rah-rah" experience.

However, I am here to share about the recent internet seminar presented by David which I have found so incredibly useful and practical and that is why this very blog exists - because David showed me step by step on how to get started online.

My partner and I have been interested in starting our online business after attending the WIS in 2006 but felt we didn't have the right technical skills thus nothing was created until after we attended David's seminar. We are creative people, we help people offline and we consult with many clients on strategic marketing but we lacked the technical know-how to get started.

The 2-day event was not only practical and extremely useful but it has given me so much confidence to move forward. I am very pleased to announce that we will be launching our website in March 0f 2007 and this would not have happened without David. Click here to find out more about David.

Not only did we gain tremendous confidence and learned so much about how to get started online, we also met 50+ other "netpreneurs" from all around the world - the UK, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Dubai, etc. It was such a great weekend. Set in a little cozy resort in Pattaya Beach, Thailand, David went all out to look after us throughout the event. He organized evening dinners and even a caberet show. I highly recommend this seminar!

Top 11 All Time Favorite Books

  • A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
  • The Power of Now - Eckart Tolle
  • Good to Great - Jim Collins
  • The Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver
  • Many Lives, Many Masters - Dr Brian Weiss
  • Seeds of Greatness - Denis Waitley
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success - Deepak Chopra
  • Trinity - Leon Uris
  • Fountainhead - Ann Rand
  • Built to Last - Jim Collins & Jerry Porras
  • Conversations with God - Neale Donald Walsh